
What does HeySchool mean for you?

Communication Gap

HeySchool will provide a mobile application to the parents where they will be able to view all the things happening in the institution, monitoring their child performance in all aspects and guide you in taking the right decision about your child future.

Confused about their child career

HeySchool will represent students with a data-rich graphical chart with details on your child performance in all the areas (Academics, Sports, Other Extracurricular..) which will help you in taking the right decision in shaping your child's career.

Analyzing the strength and weakness of students

Parents will be able to understand their child's performance through HeySchool assisting them to work on their child's development in the right way.


Parents have to walk to the institution for knowing all the aspects of their wards where they have to find time in their daily routine which is a tedious task. With HeySchool application in their smartphone they will be able to know all the details of their wards in their own places.

Safety of their child

Safety is the biggest concern of all parents. To provide safety solutions, HeySchool will ensure your child security with advanced IOT based solutions using GPS/GPRS system attached with the school transport system.

Get in touch

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